
Movie #13

Date Released: 2.23.90

Date Watched: 6.5.2020


Before watching:

I can already tell that I am glad I have never heard of or seen this movie. But, somehow, it is available for streaming, so here we go.
Here is the description, it stars Toni Basil with cameos from Bo Diddley (who actually gets pretty into the movie and probably saves it with his presence):

 A young vampire cannot lose his virginity because of a curse imposed upon him centuries ago.

After watching:

I started watching this movie last night and was totally not in the mood. But this morning, I have thawed a bit. I could see why, if I’d seen this movie as a kid, I might have enjoyed it a bit. The plot is stupid but pretty simple and easy to follow. The outfits are ridiculous. The music would have passed right over me, but I think I would have found (or still do find) it hypnotic. And the characters are complete caricatures. But I can somehow suddenly wrap my head around the stupidity.

Lastly, Dean Cameron (lead),  the really really poor man’s Bradley Cooper, was a staple in shlocky late 80’s and early 90’s comedy and I feel some loyalty to watching his movie all the way through. I have a feeling I will be seeing him one or two more times. This is where I’m still really seeing that transition from the 80’s to 90’s in full force. Cameron plays a perfect transitional role here. He’s very 80’s but embraced the early 90’s quite well.

Ok. That was a lot on Rockula.

Publishing Notes:

  • This is throwback from when I started the project and was only looking for comedies


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The Witches